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Welcome to our comprehensive guide to service costs, designed to assist you in planning your upcoming project. This guide serves as a tool for you to estimate costs independently, aiding in your decision to request a formal quote. Keep in mind that complexities arising from specific models or custom customer requests, such as freehand designs or specific basing materials, may influence the prices outlined below.
Our services span from achieving a basic tournament-worthy standard for your miniatures to reaching an exquisite display standard.
For a more in-depth understanding of each service tier, please consult the comparison on the home page and explore the gallery, where you'll find detailed examples of miniatures from each tier.
It's worth noting that the miniatures showcased are examples, and we are equipped to paint any miniature—feel free to inquire about your specific needs!
Pricing Guide
Light Infantry
Hobbit Militia, Ork Gretchin, Tau Drone
Standard Infantry
Gondor Warrior, Ork Boyz, Clone Trooper
Heavy Infantry
Uruk-hai Beserker, Primaris Marine, B2 Battledroid
Elite Infantry
Easterling Black Dragon, Warp Spider, ARC Trooper
Monstrous Infantry
Beorning, Wraithguard, Wookie Warrior
Hero & Character
Theoden, Eldar Farseer, Anakin Skywalker
Large Character
Goblin King, Ghazghkull Thraka, Illuminator Szeras
Standard Mounted
Rohan Rider, Eldar Windrider, Rebel Tauntaun
Elite Mounted
Swan Knight, Harlequin Skyweaver, BARC Speeder
Hero & Character Mounted
Azog on Warg, Farseer Skyrunner
Large Creature
Ent, Carnifex, Demon Prince, Dewback Rider
Monstrous Creature
Mumakil, Trygon, Greater Demon
Small Vehicle
Rhino, Dreadnought, BARC Speeder, AT-RT
Medium Vehicle
Reaver, Falcon, Clone Swamp Speeder
Large Vehicle
Repulsor, Land Raider, AAT Battle Tank
Superheavy Vehicle
Baneblade, Imperial Knight
Titanic Vehicle
Thunderhawk, Titans

Battlefield - Gaming Quality

Light Infantry
Hobbit Militia, Ork Gretchin, Tau Drone
Standard Infantry
Gondor Warrior, Ork Boyz, Clone Trooper
Heavy Infantry
Uruk-hai Beserker, Primaris Marine, B2 Battledroid
Elite Infantry
Easterling Black Dragon, Warp Spider, ARC Trooper
Monstrous Infantry
Beorning, Wraithguard, Wookie Warrior
Hero & Character
Theoden, Eldar Farseer, Anakin Skywalker
Large Character
Goblin King, Ghazghkull Thraka, Illuminator Szeras
Standard Mounted
Rohan Rider, Eldar Windrider, Rebel Tauntaun
Elite Mounted
Swan Knight, Harlequin Skyweaver, BARC Speeder
Hero & Character Mounted
Azog on Warg, Farseer Skyrunner
Large Creature
Ent, Carnifex, Demon Prince, Dewback Rider
Monstrous Creature
Mumakil, Trygon, Greater Demon
Small Vehicle
Rhino, Dreadnought, BARC Speeder, AT-RT
Medium Vehicle
Reaver, Falcon, Clone Swamp Speeder
Large Vehicle
Repulsor, Land Raider, AAT Battle Tank
Superheavy Vehicle
Baneblade, Imperial Knight
Elite - High Gaming Quality

Light Infantry
Hobbit Militia, Ork Gretchin, Tau Drone
Standard Infantry
Gondor Warrior, Ork Boyz, Clone Trooper
Heavy Infantry
Uruk-hai Beserker, Primaris Marine, B2 Battledroid
Elite Infantry
Easterling Black Dragon, Warp Spider, ARC Trooper
Monstrous Infantry
Beorning, Wraithguard, Wookie Warrior
Hero & Character
Theoden, Eldar Farseer, Anakin Skywalker
Large Character
Goblin King, Ghazghkull Thraka, Illuminator Szeras
Standard Mounted
Rohan Rider, Eldar Windrider, Rebel Tauntaun
Elite Mounted
Swan Knight, Harlequin Skyweaver, BARC Speeder
Hero & Character Mounted
Azog on Warg, Farseer Skyrunner
Large Creature
Ent, Carnifex, Demon Prince, Dewback Rider
Monstrous Creature
Mumakil, Trygon, Greater Demon
Small Vehicle
Rhino, Dreadnought, BARC Speeder, AT-RT
Medium Vehicle
Reaver, Falcon, Clone Swamp Speeder
Large Vehicle
Repulsor, Land Raider, AAT Battle Tank
Superheavy Vehicle
Baneblade, Imperial Knight
Titanic Vehicle
Thunderhawk, Titans
Commander - Display Quality

Light Infantry
Hobbit Militia, Ork Gretchin, Tau Drone
Standard Infantry
Gondor Warrior, Ork Boyz, Clone Trooper
Heavy Infantry
Uruk-hai Beserker, Primaris Marine, B2 Battledroid
Elite Infantry
Easterling Black Dragon, Warp Spider, ARC Trooper
Monstrous Infantry
Beorning, Wraithguard, Wookie Warrior
Hero & Character
Theoden, Eldar Farseer, Anakin Skywalker
Large Character
Goblin King, Ghazghkull Thraka, Illuminator Szeras
Standard Mounted
Rohan Rider, Eldar Windrider, Rebel Tauntaun
Elite Mounted
Swan Knight, Harlequin Skyweaver, BARC Speeder
Hero & Character Mounted
Azog on Warg, Farseer Skyrunner
Large Creature
Ent, Carnifex, Demon Prince, Dewback Rider
Monstrous Creature
Mumakil, Trygon, Greater Demon
Small Vehicle
Rhino, Dreadnought, BARC Speeder, AT-RT
Medium Vehicle
Reaver, Falcon, Clone Swamp Speeder
Large Vehicle
Repulsor, Land Raider, AAT Battle Tank
Superheavy Vehicle
Baneblade, Imperial Knight
Titanic Vehicle
Thunderhawk, Titans
Legendary - High Display Quality

Light Infantry
Hobbit Militia, Ork Gretchin, Tau Drone
Standard Infantry
Gondor Warrior, Ork Boyz, Clone Trooper
Heavy Infantry
Uruk-hai Beserker, Primaris Marine, B2 Battledroid
Elite Infantry
Easterling Black Dragon, Warp Spider, ARC Trooper
Monstrous Infantry
Beorning, Wraithguard, Wookie Warrior
Hero & Character
Theoden, Eldar Farseer, Anakin Skywalker
Large Character
Goblin King, Ghazghkull Thraka, Illuminator Szeras
Standard Mounted
Rohan Rider, Eldar Windrider, Rebel Tauntaun
Elite Mounted
Swan Knight, Harlequin Skyweaver, BARC Speeder
Hero & Character Mounted
Azog on Warg, Farseer Skyrunner
Large Creature
Ent, Carnifex, Demon Prince, Dewback Rider
Monstrous Creature
Mumakil, Trygon, Greater Demon
Small Vehicle
Rhino, Dreadnought, BARC Speeder, AT-RT
Medium Vehicle
Reaver, Falcon, Clone Swamp Speeder
Large Vehicle
Repulsor, Land Raider, AAT Battle Tank
Superheavy Vehicle
Baneblade, Imperial Knight
Titanic Vehicle
Thunderhawk, Titans
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